• Hot

    999 Red Roses Packed at Source Bouquet

    1. 999 red roses in one bouquet
    2. Packed directly at the grower farm, “at the source”
    3. The bouquets are fully sleeved,
    4. The bouquets are fully labeled,
    5. The bouquets are fully bar-coded
    6. The bouquets include flower food
  • Hot

    99 Red Roses Packed at Source Bouquet

    1. 99 red roses in one bouquet
    2. Packed directly at the grower farm, “at the source”
    3. The bouquets are fully sleeved,
    4. The bouquets are fully labeled,
    5. The bouquets are fully bar-coded
    6. The bouquets include flower food
  • Hot

    Packed at Source Bouquet 4

    1. Packed directly at the grower farm, “at the source”
    2. The bouquets are fully sleeved,
    3. The bouquets are fully labeled,
    4. The bouquets are fully bar-coded
    5. The bouquets include flower food
  • Hot

    Packed at Source Bouquet 2

    1. Packed directly at the grower farm, “at the source”
    2. The bouquets are fully sleeved,
    3. The bouquets are fully labeled,
    4. The bouquets are fully bar-coded
    5. The bouquets include flower food
  • Hot

    Packed at Source Bouquet 1

    1. Packed directly at the grower farm, “at the source”
    2. The bouquets are fully sleeved,
    3. The bouquets are fully labeled,
    4. The bouquets are fully bar-coded
    5. The bouquets include flower food
  • Hot

    Packed at Source Bouquet 3

    1. Packed directly at the grower farm, “at the source”
    2. The bouquets are fully sleeved,
    3. The bouquets are fully labeled,
    4. The bouquets are fully bar-coded
    5. The bouquets include flower food

Fresh Cut Packed at Source Bouquets from Kenya

Fresh Cut Packed at Source Bouquets from Kenya

Packed at Source Bouquets are made directly at the grower farm, “at the source” The bouquets are fully sleeved, labeled, bar-coded and even include flower food. The bouquets are then shipped to the florists shelf-ready, reducing handling and labor costs.

Making bouquets at source is cheaper than doing it in Europe, America, Asia etc. Binding the bouquets is also an art in itself. The designs are made together with the customers.

Packed at Source Bouquets have Roses, Dianthus, Ruscus, Limonium, Matthiola, Standard Carnations, Veronica’s, Eucalytus, Leather ferns, Grevilia, Photinia, Leucadendron, Gypsophila etc. Every flower in the bouquet needs to be of high quality.

We pack 30 bouquets of 40cm flowers per box and 25 bouquets of 50cm flowers per box

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