Roses are the most popular fresh cut flowers. Carnations, Chrysanthemums, Gypsophilla, Lilies, Eryngiums, hypericum, etc also enjoy a huge demand in the cut flower market. The main destination of Cut Flowers exports from Kenya are: Netherlands, United Kingdom, Germany and Norway. Cut flowers markets in Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia are growing
- Best Purple, Lilac or Lavender Roses for Weddings, Bouquets, Events and Arrangements
- Best White Roses for Weddings, Bouquets, Events and Arrangements
- Best Peach Roses for Weddings, Bouquets, Events and Arrangements
- Best Orange Roses for Weddings, Bouquets, Events and Arrangements
- Best Bi-Color & Variegated Roses for Weddings, Bouquets, Events and Arrangements
- Best Hot Pink Roses for Weddings, Bouquets, Events and Arrangements
- Cut Flowers to Europe
- Top Red Roses