Hot Pink Carnations
- Fresh Cut Hot Pink Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Hot Pink Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Hot Pink Carnations
$0.25 -
Peach Carnations
- Fresh Cut Lime Green Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Lime Color.
$0.25Peach Carnations
$0.25 -
Mix Carnations
- Fresh Cut Mix Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Mix Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Mix Carnations
$0.25 -
Orange Carnations
- Fresh Cut Orange Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Orange Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Orange Carnations
$0.25 -
Peppermint Carnations
- Fresh Cut Peppermint Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Peppermint Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Peppermint Carnations
$0.25 -
Purple Carnations
- Fresh Cut Purple Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Purple Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Purple Carnations
$0.25 -
Red Carnations
- Fresh Cut Red Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Red Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Red Carnations
$0.25 -
White Carnations
- Fresh Cut White Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- White Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25White Carnations
$0.25 -
Yellow Carnations
- Fresh Cut Yellow Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Yellow Color.
- Our Fresh Cut Carnations are traceable direct to the farm and are sustainably grown.
- We supply Florists who use them in bouquets, arrangements and wedding flowers
$0.25Yellow Carnations
$0.25 -
Cerise Carnations
- Fresh Cut Cerise Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Cerise Color.
$0.25Cerise Carnations
$0.25 -
Pink Carnations
- Fresh Cut Pink Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Pink Color.
$0.25Pink Carnations
$0.25 -
Light Pink Carnations
- Fresh Cut Light Pink Carnations From Kenya to The World.
- Light Pink Color.
$0.25Light Pink Carnations
$0.25 -
Carnations are one of the most popular and classic cut flowers and Carnations are long lasting cut flowers that can remain fresh for 14 days.
Carnations can be used in any floral design and bouquets for weddings, Valentine’s Day and other special occasions.